Update Your Membership Information

Membership Information Update
Need to Join or Renew?
If you’re not a member yet and want to join or if you just need to renew:
What is the cost of membership?
Membership is a bargain! It’s $20 for the year.
How long is the membership year?
The membership year is May through April. Once your dues are paid, they are current until the following April.
What are the benefits of membership?
Membership fees cover the costs of monthly programs and activities (like the bridge groups, Mah Jongg, and the book clubs). These are all free for members to participate in. Some events have small fees to cover additional costs (like facilities rentals).
How will my membership fee renew?
Each year, a membership renewal message is sent out, giving you an opportunity to opt-out if you don’t wish to renew.
Can I join at any time?
Yes! You don’t have to wait until the following April or May to join. Join now and you won’t miss out on any good programming.